Phone   +213 55 929 5389

Mammoura, Laghouat 03000

El wahat paramedical school

Oasis Medical Education Opens its Doors ـــــــ

Oasis Medical Education, a new paramedical school, launched in August 2023.  Whileexciting, it presented a challenge for the management team. As a newcomer, they faced established competitors with a long history in the area.

Despitethis, the school had zero enrollments just a week before the start of the semester.  Their goal wasambitious : to reach 80 students.  To achievethis, ouragencywasbrought in to develop and implement a targeted sales strategy.

ـــــــ  The strategy proved highly successful, exceedingeven the school’s own expectations.  Within a week, Oasis Medical Education secured enrollments from 102 students.

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