Phone   +213 55 929 5389

Mammoura, Laghouat 03000

Moulai Boissons

ــــ Company Background

Established in 1989, boasts a rich history of serving the local community. Founded with ambitious goals, the company has witnessed significant growth over the years. However, sales experienced a decline starting in 2015 due to an inability to leverage the burgeoning power of social media.

Recognizing the Challenge

In 2022, our team identified the company’s lack of digital presence as a key challenge. Moulai lacked a social media presence, compelling content, and online advertising channels. Additionally, product sales were restricted to physical stores, limiting customer reach. Furthermore, seasonal fluctuations resulted in lower winter sales.Proposed SolutionsTo address these challenges, our agency proposed a comprehensive

Proposed Solutions

Social Media Marketing: Establish a presence on key social media platforms (SMM) to engage with customers and build brand awareness.

B2B Services: Expand product distribution through strategic partnerships with additional retail locations (selling points).

Upfront Product Placement: Ensure prominent product display within stores to maximize customer visibility.

International Brand Exposure: Participate in relevant international events to showcase Moulai products to a broader audience

Measurable Results

The implemented strategy delivered exceptional results
• Enhanced customer service through responsive social media management. • Achieved substantial traffic growth on both Facebook and Instagram.
• Significantly expanded reach with a user growth rate exceeding 300%. • Increased brand awareness through social media engagement.
03 Moulai Project


traffic growth


Delivered Services

Social Media Marketing & Advertising

Developed and executed social media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, reaching over 260,000 and 80,000 users respectively.

Achieved a significant audience increase (330.5% growth rate) and maximized impressions (991% increase).

Responded to all social media inquiries and comments for enhanced customer engagement.

Advertising Campaigns

Conducted targeted advertising campaigns across various platforms.

Generated a substantial increase in website traffic (178.7% on Facebook and 461.6% on Instagram).

Continuously optimized campaigns for improved performance and budget efficiency.

Design & Branding (details not provided, but can be added if available)